Friday, November 29, 2013

Hillltap Tavern/June 4, 2011

Hilltap Tavern in Queens
June 4, 2011


Alright so growing up i didn't have too many of those things called friends and i spent a lot of my time living under a rock (and in and out of psych wards and on people's floors/basements) so i hadn't really been to too many local shows until a friend of mine took me to a basement show in st. James long island where i was introduced to zombie culture and retro viral. Now this was impactful because it was one of my first shows and it was when i was re introduced to this guy who i met outside of the pizza shop in my town (justyn kiddo). He asked me to join his band and the rest is history. 

Well although this was a very important show to me it's not the one i hold most memorable. The one i hold most memorable if i had to pick one it would be the Yo!$cunt cd release show. Now me being new to the scene it was a night of firsts and as it turned out a night of a few lasts. 

Now this was the second time i ever saw yo!$cunt and it was also the first time i went to the hilltap. Two things that would become staples in my time spent going to shows. What was most memorable at this show was that i spent a good portion of it making friends who i consider to be righteous individuals but i also spent most of that night talking to a young lady by the name of sarah B who i had a crush on since my first show with retroviral. The night was fun, she gave me her number and two and a half years later we're living together happily in queens.

What was also great about this night was how amazing everyone played. It was probably the best set i had ever played with retroviral, every note on every song was exactly the way i wanted it to sound and everyone at the show got in on the pit and it was over all the most fun i ever had in that band. Unfortunately it wound up being the penultimate show for retroviral and the last show for no vice. Just before we both were scheduled to play punk island. Although both great bands (in my own opinion) ended, that night will always be a great memory for me.

-Rob Miller - the imaginary friend

Monday, November 25, 2013


RAMSHACKLE GLORY @ M(A) House in Brooklyn
JULY 6th, 2013

THE TAXPAYERS (goof punk from everywhere except NYC)
RAMSHACKLE GLORY (7 piece anarcho-punk from TUCSON, AZ)
WOOD SPIDER (high energy NYC Folk Punk) 

This summer, hundreds of punks packed into the local anarchist space in Bushwick to see Ramshackle Glory. If you don't already know Ramshackle Glory, go educate yourself. They are one of the best folk punk bands in the US and they put on an awesome show. Not only do they have a great stage presence and great songs, they also keep their music political.

Now the actual performance in itself was fantastic as well as very impressive. The fact that none of the band members passed out while playing was remarkable (it was well over 100 degrees in that room). It was tough to hear through the PA but it didn't matter because EVERYONE in the crowd knew the words and was singing along.

About half way through the show, Pat (frontman of Ramshackle Glory) stopped the show because of some fucked up behavior coming from crowd members. The issue was quickly dealt with, and the show went on. It is a relieving thing to know that there are still bands out there that ACTUALLY give a fuck and are willing to take the spot light off of themselves to address issues that they stand against.

By the end of the show I was so covered in sweat that I could have filled a bath tub. The shirt I took off retained enough sweat to fill a bottle of water, I had no voice left, and my knees were hurting. Long story short, it was a killer show.

Be sure to catch them when they are in your area and also check out Savage Wasteland, an anarchist music collective that they are a part of and help run.
-Jason Tancer

(An added side note from JOEY: This was a benefit for Gerald “Jerry” Koch, a New York City anarchist and legal activist. He was found in contempt of court on May 21, 2013. For more info on Koch go 

Friday, November 22, 2013


MASAKARI @ Acheron
July 9th, 2010

MASAKARI TERROR LEVEL RED (reunited for this show)

From time to time, I like to think of those shows which blew my mind. They are hard to think of at the time. Sometimes it only happens in hindsight, when you think about it more. But sometimes, in the middle of the show, you realize, 'holy shit, this show is not normal. I can't believe how out of control.”

I remember seeing MASAKARI at ABC NO RIO in NYC years ago. I left that show with a new favorite band, and since they were from Cleveland and conscious punx I was proud to love their tunes.

When my friend Dean and I went an saw them a few years later at in Bushwick, THE ACHERON Brooklyn, we knew it was gonna be a great show, but mid show/set I actually walked out of the show. Throwing up outside simply from how awesome the show was (not because of drinking, sXe) I knew this was one of those shows.

I cleaned the vomit off my face. Shook off the bad vibes, and ran back inside. The walls in Acheron are pure black and back then the pit area was very tight, it has since expanded that space. It was, at the time a disorienting space. I am not sure there was any dancing at the show, but I remember being out of control. In hindsight we may have had a fight in the pit, but whatever it was, it was fun. Masakari drives a crowd bonkers.

They are pure bred D-BEAT machines crusted with awesomeness and pure crowd pleasing/blistering death riffs. When I could not move any more I just stood there and smiled. On bad days, at bad shows, I think of that show, the vomit, the violence, and the shit eating grin that sat on my stupid mug and how those dudes and that crowd poured every ounce of honest energy they had out. It made me happy, and makes me a better person.

Long Live Masakari

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Here is What The Fuck We Do.

This blog was made because we and our co-conspirators have simply too much to say about the shows they go to/the bands they see. We felt obligated to make a place for these thoughts. It in no way is a replacement for the podcast. It is more like a supplement.

We will be posting SHORT reviews about SHOWS we have been to and bands we have seen LIVE. Bands we can't stop talking about, for better or worse.

Feel free to message us your own reviews of shit you heard (it must have been heard LIVE at a show, we are not reviewing albums here, there are a MILLION places to read that) All we care about is shows. Reviewers will be asked to SIGN their names, no hiding here mother fuckers.
If you want to know about shows coming up or to here some in depth reporting GET DOWN at